Recently, some friends of mine came to Beijing. They have heard me complain many a time about the pollution here. However, when they arrived Beijing had just had one of the worst thunderstorms everywhere. Trees and power down all over the city. The good thing about thunderstorms is that it cleans the air for …
My Chinese is better than Christina’s
Tuesday night I went to the Christina Aguilera concert in Shanghai(yes, for real)! It was awesome. On top of that me and my friendFrank were basically right up front. The whole experience wassurprisingly easy. There were less ticket checks than at the airportand everyone was quite civilized. Not a U.S. concert by any means.Even her …
Donkey, Turtle, Frog
Yep, this was dinner! From left to right: donkey, turtle, frog. Frog I guess was not so strange. The turtle you had to eat around the shell (seriously). The donkey was surprisingly good! Why are you laughing, this food is not strange? This is Shanghai!
The One True Crappy China
Today there were two stories in the local magazine that I thought I would share: It seems scientists have discovered a new use for panda poop. Paper! They have come up with a way to take panda poop and make it into paper. This is of course to combat Thailand’s methods of taking elephant poop …
Let me be the first to review
Well, it seems everyone is off in either Vietnam, Thailand, or Guilin OR they are too busy to have dinner with me, so at my wife’s suggestion I went to XinTianDi. I am glad I did as I was able to score a ticket to Spiderman 3 (That is what it says next to the …
One China, Many Confused
This week I am traveling to Macao/Taiwan for my MBA class to do some homework with one of my classmates. It is more of a trip for me to see parts of the world and catch up to all the countries B has been to that I have not. Living in Beijing and Shanghai I …
What’s the difference between this guy and the Shanghai Subway?
Answer: NOTHING! (Editor Note: So, I delayed this post by week so as to not push my wife’s posting of our adoption WHICH I AM VERY EXCITED ABOUT too far down the page. To those coming here from her link on another site I am sorry. China is great, this was just one of those …