Not all those who wander are lost

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Welcome to Zoofall.  Zoofall is a take on “zufall” or “coincidence” in German (don’t ask why German, but I am sure it will become important within 24 hours). When I was around 12 years old I had a dream one night that I could not see. For some reason I was blind in the dream. …

Sexually Repressed in Taiwan!

WHAT! I just saw a little bit of “When Harry Met Sally” on TV today. (Yes, 1989 films are about as modern as Taiwan television gets here.) Regardless, THE SCENE WAS ALMOST 100% CUT! It went from “Are you ok”, Harry crosses arms, then “I’ll have what she’s having.” SHOCK! No uncomfortable glances over the …

No talking in the elevator!

No talking in the elevator!Originally uploaded by beuk Taipei has gone a lil overboard with swine flu scare. Not only dopeople wear masks on a regular basis, but our daughter’s school hasinstituted a whole bunch of new daily rules:1. Sanitize hands2. Have temperature taken3. Change shoes4. No trips abroad5. If you feel ill stay home …


One of the strangest things I am doing now is taking Japanese classes. Not because that in itself is strange, but because my teacher does not speak much English. This means I mostly use Chinese to communicate and ask questions (no-no #1 in learning an Asian language). It actually works out pretty well. I routinely …

Asia. Not so weird?

We have been here too long. These things are just not that weird to us anymore: Taiwan.The other day I saw a family of 5 on a scooter. B was shocked. I was like, “What’s the big deal.” In the U.S. you would never see that (not because of laws, because an American family of …