Today it is finally for the first time slightly cold in Taipei. Note: we are not wearing North Face (like everyone else in Taipei), but since G has bronchitis I figured I should clothe the baby at least a little bit. I know it is sickening that we match, but I love it! I even …
No American beef?
Not sure, but this looks like my favorite MOS Burger is boycotting American beef. Will have to ask teacher about the charcters.
MiCasa is CrapOla
Ok, ok, if you follow me at all, you know I love to rant. I have tried to keep quiet for some time now but with places like this in Taipei, it is just too difficult. We were out and about in Taipei on Saturday, as we are want to do, and looking for an …
Delta Crown Room
Delta Crown Room Originally uploaded by beuk Sitting in the crown room waiting to go to Taipei. Hating our TSAexperience. Seriously, who’s job do I need to take to fix TSA?
What is in a name?
I am having a tough time getting the picture to look right, but you guys get the idea. This is a simple worksheet of what to call the people in your family in Asia. In the U.S. everybody is just Aunt “So and So” and Uncle “John.” Grandma and Grandpa might be differentiated by first …
No talking in the elevator!
No talking in the elevator!Originally uploaded by beuk Taipei has gone a lil overboard with swine flu scare. Not only dopeople wear masks on a regular basis, but our daughter’s school hasinstituted a whole bunch of new daily rules:1. Sanitize hands2. Have temperature taken3. Change shoes4. No trips abroad5. If you feel ill stay home …
Madison Scouts in Taipei
Madison Scouts in Taipei Originally uploaded by beuk This guy is a long way from Wisconsin listening to the Boston Brass inconcert tonight. Nice to see DCI has a following even over seas!