Mark my words, we will have stormtroopers soon. This is the first step. Apparently, this company has developed glasses to measure the temperature of mass amounts of people all at once. While I think this is super cool personally, I recognize that we are one step away from having this built into all white bio …
Articles from Asia
Technically these count as well from our time in Asia and when I was written up in Supply Chain mags: Businesswire Supply Chain Tech News ChAina
Swimmer of the Month
My mom recently cleaned house and returned a bunch of stuff to me from my childhood. The kids have enjoyed seeing this article from when my sister and I spent all our waking hours in the pool. I just realized this counts for my categorization of times I was mentioned in articles :)
Productivity, filtering and reducing anxiety your life
A friend recently asked me on Facebook to get bored with him by using the “Moment” app. While I am not a fan of the app tracking my location all the time in the background and draining my battery, it does have a point. We need to figure out ways to STOP receiving so much …
Indian currency abolished
We were having breakfast yesterday and during a break in the conversation, I heard that that the currency had been abolished. What? How did I miss this? I pulled these notes from my wallet. Due to regular travels, I typically have a lot of reserve currency from past trips. I thought I was so smart …
Back in Abu Dhabi
“Here I go again on my own. Walking down the only road I’ve ever known. Like a drifter I was born to walk alone…” Well, maybe not alone, but I am back in Abu Dhabi for the second time in 12 months. I’m sitting in the same seat where I first met Diana on our …
We need to pull each other up, not put each other down.
It is interesting to me that these days we are all about putting each other down. Take a moment to search any news source on Twitter and watch the rabbit hole into which you will delve. People hating people and no end in site. Politics is stuck. Neither side is budging. There is no compromise and there is no willingness to hear the other side.
One of our favorite phrases at home is, “Everybody is crazy except you and me. And sometimes I wonder about you.” This pretty much sums up how the world is today. I feel like we are acting like the guys in the game above. Doing whatever it takes to tear others down. My question is, “and then what?” Say you succeed? Say you tear everyone around you down? Then what? I wish I had an answer for everyone.
The closest I can come is to think of a leadership exercise that I once went through. The room was split into two groups. Each group was given the same stack of Duplos and told to build the tallest free standing tower that they could. The exercise was then timed. Each group set out to try to use the pieces in innovative ways. Could they balance the blocks on their end and get a lil more height as opposed to interlocking? Could they build a strong base to get maximum height? At the end, the judges reviewed both sculptures and concluded that both teams had lost. Lost. The instructions were to build the tallest tower that you could, period. There was nothing else in the rules that said you only had to use your pieces and that you could not share, that you could not both mutually benefit. It was a humbling, but important lesson. I wish we could play this game with America.