In an effort to maintain normalcy, we are sticking to our routine times. On Wednesdays we have two ballet classes and one speed skating class. Right now, I have all three kiddos cranking out their classes via at home workouts AT THE SAME TIME! I don’t know what the requirements are for Dad of the …
Home Schooling
Bzzztttt…. Pop…..eeeek…. testing, testing is this thing on??? No time like Friday the 13th and a global pandemic to dust off this blog and get back to the “interwebs”. The family is alive and well and living north of the border in Canada and on this auspicious day we are coming to grips with the …
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 Animals revealed
Thank you internet. We were having trouble identifying all the animals: This one was particularly hard:
Who is left for the Bears?
Quick, name a Bears player. Now name another one. Are they still with the team? I am no football expert, but the very few names that I DO know from the bears seem to be leaving in droves. All except Cutler that is who still has no backup. Check out the list below and let …
The Frog Prince
Great job by A Fairy Tale Ballet with the boy costume today!!
#1 – Dearth
dearth /dərTH/ Noun A scarcity or lack of something: “there is a dearth of evidence”. Synonyms scarcity – shortage – lack – want – deficiency – famine Last night I was writing some Facebook posts about my favorite football team, Chelsea. I was looking to use the word “dearth”. I knew it in my head, …