We have been here too long. These things are just not that weird to us anymore: Taiwan.The other day I saw a family of 5 on a scooter. B was shocked. I was like, “What’s the big deal.” In the U.S. you would never see that (not because of laws, because an American family of …
Peasants Unite!
Yesterday we went to the 6Banyan Tree Temple and the Sun-Yat Sen Memorial. Contrary to popular belief, not everyone who stays at the Westin uses taxis. Especially, when taxis here have never even seen an infant car seat, much less used one. So we took the subway. There were some interesting stops along the way. …
The One True Crappy China
Today there were two stories in the local magazine that I thought I would share: It seems scientists have discovered a new use for panda poop. Paper! They have come up with a way to take panda poop and make it into paper. This is of course to combat Thailand’s methods of taking elephant poop …
What’s the difference between this guy and the Shanghai Subway?
Answer: NOTHING! (Editor Note: So, I delayed this post by week so as to not push my wife’s posting of our adoption WHICH I AM VERY EXCITED ABOUT too far down the page. To those coming here from her link on another site I am sorry. China is great, this was just one of those …
U(sic)GA in China
I must admit I think I have been in China too long when the crazy things I see on the street are just not so crazy anymore. A baby with a split in his pants? Enh. Bicycles carrying washing machines? Seen it. Live shrimp for dinner? That is sooo.. 2005. BUT then I saw the …
All the way from China for this?
You asked for more news from LA, so you got it: So, I make it all the way overseas to be able to see the Chinese theater! How cool, eh? Actually it was. Early, Friday morning I took the $1.25 Metro over to Hollywood. I wanted to get off at Hollywood and Vine only because …
Now this is the LA that I know
Now this is what I know from the movies. I saw these three kids gettingarrested and thrown into the back of a b&w just outside the entrance to thesubway, down the street from the Chinese theater. Ahhhh.. LA.