Not all those who wander are lost

Showing: 15 - 21 of 48 RESULTS

This lady is at my gym!

Not that this is supposed to be a YouTube day, but I have been looking for this video for awhile. This is the crazy lil lady AT MY GYM that goes NUTS on the treadmill every day. She is jumping, skipping, dancing, everything all over the mill. Now I am of two minds about this: …

YouTube YouCrazy!

So,YouTube has a few strange policies that are affecting me a bit. If you haven’t seen my famous Tiger video you need to check it out. Now, for the record, all I did was take the video. I have NOTHING to do with the comment section which is out of hand underneath. There is everything …

Rainy day chasing bunnies in the carport

Coming back from breakfast we found the crazy lady walking her bunny. I say crazy because she thinks walking our dog is strange and a lil kid shouldn’t chase rabbits. “Bunnies are very nervous.” Really? Bunnies are very skittish creatures that will bolt when a 1 year old comes running after them? I did not …

Playmobil Security Check Point

My friend Amy sent me this a few weeks back. If you have not seen it over on Amazon you need to check it out. I was mostly shocked that they charge $55 for this and that they even make it at all! But as Amy pointed out to me, the comments are what make …

Hi, I’m Jason. I steal things…

This is too strange to be a coincidence: To say I am out of touch with the US music scene is an understatement. I have no idea about pop artists and who’s hot and who’s not. It takes me finding one of B’s People mags laying around for me to even know a person’s name. …