Not all those who wander are lost

Showing: 15 - 21 of 36 RESULTS

Someone beat me to it

(Stoopid Blogger is broken and will not let me post the darn picture!!! You will have to follow the link.) Looks like someone beat me to it. If you know me you have probably heard the story of how I managed to offend all of China in a single dinner by taking my new found …

What’s in a name?

Many of you have asked questions around:What is the baby’s name?How do you say it?What about her Chinese name?Where did ‘X’ come from? But before we get to that… I am reading a book called “Beyond Coincidence.” It is a great book from B that talks about all the crazy coincidences in life. Things like …

Want some Cow Tit Tea?

So,I am discovering a new problem in my Chinese studies. I routinely run into phrases where I understand all of the words except for a just a few. The problem is I can no longer just ‘ask’ what do those words mean. A good example is yesterday Rebecca was “just dying” for some noodles. So, …

First the Vowels, Now the Consonants…

What is up with all the sites sounding the same? First it was Goo{insert text here}. Then it just became “OO“. Now it seems, as it falls out of fashion, it has become more like “ewww“. I’m talking about all the Google parody sites that sprung up.Such as: frOOgle gOOsynch OOgle etc… Now we are …

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

So, see if you can follow this one. Forgetting all about my whirlwind trip through Chicago yesterday I had a whirlwind day! I went from Shanghai to Hong Kong to Taipei to see my house for the first time with our things in it. B has done a great job getting it set and everything …

Bei Si Tui Le

Which means… You’re fired! I just fired my third person in two months since I have been in Beijing. AND it was in Chinese. Apparently, you do not want to be my friend. Two were at work for work related issues, but the third was our driver for a year in Beijing. He could not …