Not all those who wander are lost

Showing: 50 - 56 of 61 RESULTS


Harbin pics are up and for the record, yes, it was VERY cold. I know in about 3 months I will have warmed up and say, “Oh.. it was not that bad”. That is not true. It was bad! I wore double layers of everything and everything we saw was outside. The Russian Cafe was …

LA Mafia?

I don’t know enough about the L.A. crime scene besides what I can assume happens behind closed doors at the Chinese Theater and what I saw in L.A. Confidential, but “me thinks I smell a rat.” The first story that caught my attention was of the Korean couple trapped in the snow for nine days. …

Tigger just bitch-slapped somebody…

World renown CNN is reporting that Tigger has had enough. Apparently, there have been one too many snot filled handshakes and germ infested photographs and he has decided to go postal on some kids. I guess it was a slow news day at CNN. This time the judge may throw the honey pot AND the …

10 Most Dangerous Toys

I ’bout pee’d my pants reading this article. You have got to go here:10 Most Dangerous Toys Some of my favorite quotes from the article: “Oh-Jesus-it’s-chasing-me”“Nothing says safety like an open hot plate.”“Kids do the darndest things, but not, apparently, nuclear physics.” (You know I am going to be all over eBay looking for these …

We-r Are-r Beijing-r Peeps-r!

                          We have officially become suburbanites. We made it from Shanghai to Beijing with very few problems, considering, and are adjusting well to life in ShunYi. In fact, of all the complexes that exist out here by the airport, ours seems to be …

What time?

I am not an expert in military time or anything, but what time do they close?I know Shanghai is a party scene, but this is a bit ridiculous.  Maybethe kids can get their curfews adjusted.