A special shout out to the lovely ladies at Land-Of-Nod who let me snap this picture. It is OCTOBER! and there is a Christmas tree already up? Don’t we have something called Thanksgiving first? I know people on my block who jut threw their tree away. That said, it is a pretty tree and Land of Nod is such a great store. Too great in fact. When looking for children’s toys and asking my friends where they got stuff they immediately say, “Oh, Land of Nod probably has it.” Well, they have a lot, but not Fridge Phonics! Yes, that is one of the things that was on the “What I want from the USA” list that my wife gave me. I travel across 12 time zones to the other side of the planet and my wife only has esoteric baby requests. Technically she wanted the traditional letter magnets, but I decided to upgrade us and because everyone said we would be the black sheep of the neighborhood if we didn’t have the latest and greatest (gotta love peer pressure).

Land of Nod was able to help me out with Sophie, the teething giraffe (also on the list) and some great kids music by “Trout Fishing in America” that I heard on the plane ride over here (my perogative). Thanks Land of Nod! By the way, you might have noticed that this kind of talk is a little off track for “MY” blog. Check out my wife’s for more of the children side of things at MissGioia.com.

(At this point all my single guy friends are wondering what has happened to me and all my married friends are just smiling.)

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