‘Tis true. I have arrived in Denmark and this morning I had my first real Danish Danish. It did not hit me until I was at breakfast, but this is the originating country of the sweet. I was rightly distracted for so many reasons. The first was customs. I am glad I did not blink or I would have missed it. Here was how it went:
2. Turn right.
3. Speak to smart dressed man who said, “Where are you going?”
4. Reply, “Copenhagen.”
5. “Enjoy your stay!”
That was it. There was no paper work. No line. No complaining about how my passport is older than the Red Sea. Nothing! Contrast this with China who has 18 people just to make sure you get in the right line to pick up the 3 forms where you must write your name 6 times…. It was a dream.
Beyond that the cab drivers are quite helpful. I guess I would be too, it I was getting $88 USD from the airport to the hotel :(
The food is awesome. Especially, the blue cheese. I am not the biggest fan, but good is good, and the food here is good. Ironically, my Chinese friend who works here is sad he is not back in China and does NOT like the food. Hummph. There is no accounting for taste.
Saturday is St. Patrick’s day, so I asked what Denmark does for the holiday. The reply has been, “This is not Ireland.” Oh yeah? Then why do you have: www.stpatricksdayparade.DK!
The hotel is quite large by European standards and I had a lovely time walking around the town this afternoon. If there is a bike available in the morning, I can take it to work or I can take a very short cab ride. Anyway, off to bed. Pictures will be up soon.