Not all those who wander are lost

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We need to pull each other up, not put each other down.

It is interesting to me that these days we are all about putting each other down. Take a moment to search any news source on Twitter and watch the rabbit hole into which you will delve. People hating people and no end in site.  Politics is stuck. Neither side is budging. There is no compromise and there is no willingness to hear the other side.

One of our favorite phrases at home is, “Everybody is crazy except you and me. And sometimes I wonder about you.” This pretty much sums up how the world is today. I feel like we are acting like the guys in the game above. Doing whatever it takes to tear others down. My question is, “and then what?” Say you succeed? Say you tear everyone around you down? Then what?  I wish I had an answer for everyone.

The closest I can come is to think of a leadership exercise that I once went through.  The room was split into two groups.  Each group was given the same stack of Duplos and told to build the tallest free standing tower that they could.  The exercise was then timed.  Each group set out to try to use the pieces in innovative ways.  Could they balance the blocks on their end and get a lil more height as opposed to interlocking?  Could they build a strong base to get maximum height?  At the end, the judges reviewed both sculptures and concluded that both teams had lost.  Lost.  The instructions were to build the tallest tower that you could, period.  There was nothing else in the rules that said you only had to use your pieces and that you could not share, that you could not both mutually benefit.  It was a humbling, but important lesson.  I wish we could play this game with America.


Singapore Airlines – How I love you

I cannot say enough good things about Singapore Airlines (SA). As someone who travels internationally and domestically every month of the year and who owns a passport that looks like a well-loved teddy bear headed off to college, I have seen my fair share of airlines. My recent meetings in Sydney with major retailers and …

What NOT to get your child for Christmas

Not sure if you can read this or not but it is an article about how a Chinese publisher “could not find” the German version of Grimm’s fairytales and so they used a Japanese version. Turns out it was a pornographic version with Snow White sleeping with her father and the dwarves (is that an …

Shibuya Hachiko exit

I managed to find the NW Hachiko exit at Shibuya station.  This is the crazy giant pedestrian crossing with 3 mega TVs and people crossing in every which direction.  If you have ever seen a picture of movie demonstrating just how many people are in Japan, then you have seen this intersection.  Apparently there is …