A friend recently asked me on Facebook to get bored with him by using the “Moment” app. While I am not a fan of the app tracking my location all the time in the background and draining my battery, it does have a point. We need to figure out ways to STOP receiving so much …
Happy Halloween 2016 – Pirates!
How on earth did I forget to post this? This year we were all pirates. Except for Gioia who was the pirate ship and Lu who was the pirate. I love a good Halloween theme. Ps. Lu and I won the costume contest at work by a land slide.
So you’re having a baby…
…good for you? Are you ready or are you freaking out? One of my colleagues today mentioned that he had to sit through four different birth movies. 4! That is the same number of Scream movies BTW! I don’t know what they put in the water at work or the wine at church but it …
Creative Writing
SOooo… I have been wanting to do this for quite sometime. Mom found a bunch of old “Creative Writing” letters that I wrote when I was at Northside. This would have been 3rd-7th grade. I remember writing poems and I remember an epic battle with my dear friend Faith Watts. Over the next couple of …
Ohh Comcast
Ohh Comcast, how you drive me crazy, let me count the ways. Approximately 8 months ago I called Comcast to upgrade my service. My BIL has given me a lot of grief about not having “actual cable”, and as such I requested to upgrade my basic television service to HD. However, that day the *service …
The worst part was leaving
G is writing a series of “Journal Prompts” for school. They are grate insight into how her little mind works and what she is interested in. One of my favorite is her description of our trip to Cancun:
I went to Cancun once for summer break with my mom, dad, and my brother. We took a gator ride. A gator is a bus that goes on land and water. I also liked the pool. We stayed in a hotel named the Westin. It had four pools. I also went to a party with a piñata. The worst part was leaving.