Not all those who wander are lost

Showing: 22 - 28 of 42 RESULTS

U.S. Commercials

—Now this is a commercial. Simple, elegant, effective and ending with a great url! This is not. TV commercials in the U.S. have not improved in my absence. In fact, it seems if you make a drug for obscure medical cases then you have to be advertising on television. When did this become okay? I …

Music and the Move

So, the move to Taiwan did not turn out to be all Guns and Roses (bad pun, sorry. Read on). My 300GB USB disk drive decided it was time to die. Why it could not die BEFORE we moved I will never get a chance to ask it (sob). This was at the same time …

In Taipei!

YES! We have arrived and I have decided it is about time to blog again. To answer some of your questions: TAIPEI Is wonderful! The food, people, manners, culture, weather It is all Fantastic! We live right downtown. Three blocks from the 101 . At present we do not have a car. That may change …

And we’re here…

Frankie and I have arrived in Chicago safe and sound. I could not sleep well during the fight as I was way to anxious. My seat mate had the exact opposite problem. He went to sleep during take off and 13 hours later woke up when we hit the tarmac (jerk!). Anyway, I thought I …

The One True Crappy China

Today there were two stories in the local magazine that I thought I would share: It seems scientists have discovered a new use for panda poop. Paper! They have come up with a way to take panda poop and make it into paper. This is of course to combat Thailand’s methods of taking elephant poop …

The Seagull Method

Seagull Method – popular with consulting firms.  Consultants fly in, crap all over the place, and leave others to clean up the mess. I read this in one of my MBA texts today.  Why can't all books be written this descriptively.  Test question one, here I come!