from Epicurious – I tend to not order eggs in restaurants. I’m not one of those food people who despise brunch. In fact, I love it. Can’t think of a better way to start Sunday morning. But eggs aren’t usually on the order—I like making them myself at home and really dislike being disappointed by …
Before and After
What happens when prime rib is on the kids menu:
Pencil Dust?
I knew airline wines were crap, but pencil dust???
Sumo Hot Pot, Japan
Not sure if you are going to find this one in the guide books. Amazing lil 3 chef, reservation only, restaurant on a street in Ebisu filled with great restaurants. This is NOT a vegetarian stop. Menu items were: cow tongue, pig intestine and horse nape fat! (the tongue was mouth watering :)
Music and the Move
So, the move to Taiwan did not turn out to be all Guns and Roses (bad pun, sorry. Read on). My 300GB USB disk drive decided it was time to die. Why it could not die BEFORE we moved I will never get a chance to ask it (sob). This was at the same time …
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
So, see if you can follow this one. Forgetting all about my whirlwind trip through Chicago yesterday I had a whirlwind day! I went from Shanghai to Hong Kong to Taipei to see my house for the first time with our things in it. B has done a great job getting it set and everything …
I’ll have what the dog is having!
Second line – Beer? What kind PBR? Bud? NewCastle? Draft of in a case? We used to give my dog beer once and awhile when I was growing up, but I did not know you could order it. This is the menu of the grocery store in our complex. They are only about 100 yards …