Not all those who wander are lost

Showing: 29 - 35 of 96 RESULTS

Booking flights

Yay! we are booking flights. In case you want to know where we have to go, check it out:(also scroll down for Baby G pics) Taiwan is in the botom right, but we have to go through HK first. FuLing is the pushpin, just next to Chong Qing. Pandas here we come! Click on the …

Chinese Zodiac a la carte

Overheard at a party regarding Chinese zodiac signs… “I belong to pig, my sister is a chicken, and my husband is a cow. We are basically everything that can be served at the table.” (Thank goodness no one was born in the Year of the Dog!)

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

So, see if you can follow this one. Forgetting all about my whirlwind trip through Chicago yesterday I had a whirlwind day! I went from Shanghai to Hong Kong to Taipei to see my house for the first time with our things in it. B has done a great job getting it set and everything …

How is this safe?

Take a look at this picture. I guess there is no OSHA in China. This ladder is hand made with 10 penny nails and 1x4s. It is very rickety (look at the split in the wood), yet the Chinese climb up and down this ladder all the time.Even the bottom is bent in. Also. note …

Things China Can Fake…

So, after almost two years in China I have come across some amazing items that are fake. Some seem normal, some are like wow! I wanted to try to keep up with the list that is going in my head. Check it out here. I have also posted it the side so you can check …