Not all those who wander are lost

Showing: 106 - 109 of 109 RESULTS

Millions of peaches…

Peaches for free.  At least for the dogs in Shanghai’s airport when they do a good job.  We saw a young pup being led by a customs official.  The puppy would not stop sniffing a particular  baby carriage and soon the official asked the owners to see inside a lunch box.  Lo and behold, peaches …

Monkey Business

Monkey Business Originally uploaded by beuk. These are our sock monkey creations for the July month of softies event. We used the traditional socks (new ones!), and we dressed and stuffed the monkeys with fabric and fibers from my stash. Ms. Monkey is sporting a sweater knit with a hemp and cotton yarn, with a …

Get off the phone and drive!

I am all about this: I am very happy to hear that this has become a law in Chicago. I was under the impression that it started in June, but it looks like it will start in July. Now if only they would not move the “yakking” to airplanes we would be in great …

Shuck the Samsonite

I still do not understand why everyone and his brother has to bring a suitcase on board!  If the airlines are in such debt, then fire some of the baggage handlers, because surely there are less bags to process off the plane then there used to be.  Why can’t an airline come out with a …