Managed to shop at IKEA just before the fall of the Canadian empire. Sweet, sweet deals on new chairs for our triage WFH setups. (Huge shoutout to one of our favorite stores, the Singing lady for B’s new office desk!)
We check in on the grandparents every once in awhile. We have advised them to ask for “proof of life” when asking about the grandchildren. The best thing I have seen from my Tech friends:

Apparently, 1600 pieces of Lego only takes 2 kids 2 days to complete. (We were hoping for a bit longer). That said, if you are sitting on 12 demolished sets of Lego and have no hope in site to reassemble, I suggest taking a look at Kingdoms Modular Lego Castles. Basically, you make 8×8 modules that are 8 high with interlocking blocks and pins. The pieces can then mix and match. We are well on our way to taking over the whole living room.
Ours doesn’t quite look like the picture, but we sure are using up pieces!