The other night we were watching Goodfellas. Something was said right in the beginning of the movie that my wife and I had JUST said to each other. We looked right at each other and thought, man that is weird. The really weird thing is that she picked that movie and I never would have …
#3 – Bora Bora
On our way to pick up our son at my sister’s, we were discussing possible locations for our 10th anniversary trip. B deviates from her plan and mentions that she’d like to go to Bora Bora, a sandy location. I thought this would be a good idea and maybe we could fly through New Zealand …
Netflix – Thou dost sucketh
Well, While Moore’s Law hangs by a thread I am glad to see that my Netflix law is still alive and kicking. What? You haven’t heard of my Netflix law? Alright, here you go: Netflix – Where crap movies go to die. Now when Tangled came on I was beginning to wonder if my law would …
Gratitude or Not My Week?
This has not been my week. It started on Sunday when I thought I was in the clear, but ended up in a fight over dog poop with the missus. With my self-esteem in the toilet I had to* play soccer on Tuesday night only to cost the team the win for a 2-2 tie …
Dora the Cake
Unbelievable what people have time to figure out. I thought we had a debt crisis, but rather than apply brain cycles to figuring it out it is comforting to note that we can at least make decent cakes.
The Sauce is the Boss
The verdict is in and the result is: Yuck. For as good as we thought Pork and Apples would be it just did not work. I even tried some of the life saving tips that were mentioned in the comments: DON’T cook for 7-9 hours, I did 6. ADD brown sugar at each layer, done. It still did not …