Not all those who wander are lost

Showing: 15 - 16 of 16 RESULTS

Yay! Dog Food.

Yay! Dog Food. Originally uploaded by beuk. No, the cricket is not the dog food, but close to it. We stepped outside the Marriott Apartment exit and found ourselves on the “Petco” street of Shanghai. It had 2 dog/cat stores, 5-6 fish stores and 100 cricket stores. They were so LOUD! Apparently, crickets in cages …

Millions of peaches…

Peaches for free.  At least for the dogs in Shanghai’s airport when they do a good job.  We saw a young pup being led by a customs official.  The puppy would not stop sniffing a particular  baby carriage and soon the official asked the owners to see inside a lunch box.  Lo and behold, peaches …