This post probably should be titled, “FourSquare, you suck” but that might be too mean. For the past month I have been addicted to FourSquare. Maybe it is because I was in the Boy Scouts, but I really liked the idea of badges and getting credit for… well for doing nothing more …
Equifax you suck!
“Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week” – GREAT! Let me call… Dialing….Ahh, it is ringing… “Our support center hours are 8am to 3pm EST 7 days a week. Please call back during those hours” WHAT THE HELL! You know, no one goes to visit Equifax when they are having a good day. …
Taipei Cyclists Getting Fined
The news this week reports that Taiwan “has stalled a proposal that would see cyclists in Taipei City fined for carrying passengers or riding at speeds greater than 15kph” NOTE This is for CYCLISTS. NOT the scooter seen here. Some of the offenses include: NT$180 (~$6USD) for failing to install brakes, lights and bells. NT$300-$600 …
It would drive you crazy too!
I think I have discovered why I go so crazy on plane rides. I have posted two files. They should be playable in Real Player either in your browser or after you download: Recording One – not so good Recording Two – louder To experience what my recent flight was like, follow these simple steps: …