Hello all and welcome back!
In other news we are interviewing nannies. It is a little tough as they tend to speak only Mandarin, if that. Meaning some speak only Taiwanese, BUT they are good candidates and are extremely protective of children. I just need to figure out how to provide them insurance (seriously, they asked).
In the mean time enjoy some of these pictures of what we have been doing lately, and if you scroll all the way down you just might find a surprise!
We made a big footed bunny for my Chinese teacher. Her comment when she saw it… “I thought you were going to make me a doll!” :( BFB is now enjoying life on a Chinese sofa.
I have been trying to stay away from beer, because I seriously think it is making me fat. The other day though I had one in a pub with a friend. When they brought it I was shocked! Truly American size. Look at how big the glass is to my hand! IT was a BIIIIIGGG glass.
I found out what the noise was under our window. Apparently, people are just too good for “REAL” bricks anymore. Chock this up for what else can be fake in Asia. The bricks are just a red facade covering concrete. The concrete is cracking so they remove the brick, plaster in some more concrete and then lay the red facade back. The noise??? They ETCH OUT EACH BRICK by hand with a circular saw. No lie. Only in Asia!
This here’s one of them new fangled beauty saloons. In case you wanted to get a beer and a spot o’ whiskey with your haircut their pardner!
If the saloon is not your thing, perhaps you would like to unwind at the Dublin Teppanyaki Restaurant. Irish Sumo night is murder though. Get there early.
and as promised we did manage to find a few more pics of Baby G. Enjoy!