Not all those who wander are lost

Showing: 8 - 14 of 16 RESULTS

Cold in Taipei

Today it is finally for the first time slightly cold in Taipei. Note: we are not wearing North Face (like everyone else in Taipei), but since G has bronchitis I figured I should clothe the baby at least a little bit. I know it is sickening that we match, but I love it! I even …

No talking in the elevator!

No talking in the elevator!Originally uploaded by beuk Taipei has gone a lil overboard with swine flu scare. Not only dopeople wear masks on a regular basis, but our daughter’s school hasinstituted a whole bunch of new daily rules:1. Sanitize hands2. Have temperature taken3. Change shoes4. No trips abroad5. If you feel ill stay home …

AHHhH!~ "No Mr. Turtle!"

AHHhH!~ "No Mr. Turtle!" Originally uploaded by beuk Baby G has Kinetophobia – an irrational fear of moving things. It started with Tickle Me Elmo (Really Tickle Me Zoey). The lil orange doll would shake and laugh when you squeezed it. G was paranoid. She would run screaming from it. Then there was Auto Bubble …

Chinese Medicine vs. Wet Hair

It is raining again in Taiwan. So? Its an island. It rains all the time, but today this means G comes home with wet hair. I don’t care, I love it when she runs down the hall and gives me a big wet hug. While we were discussing the days events (baking bread, singing songs, …

YouTube YouCrazy!

So,YouTube has a few strange policies that are affecting me a bit. If you haven’t seen my famous Tiger video you need to check it out. Now, for the record, all I did was take the video. I have NOTHING to do with the comment section which is out of hand underneath. There is everything …

Cold doesn’t give you a cold.

Dear People of Taiwan,Please learn a lesson that everyone else on the planet (well, in the cold places anyway) seemed to have learned in the 5th grade. ~Being outside in the cold does not give you a cold!~ The picture above was taken in Taipei and is from this article. Based on what I see …